New Officials
CVMHA 2022-23 Clinic Registration for NEW OFFICIALS
October 5, 2022 at 630pm in Crown Isle’s Silver Ballroom
Level 1 – 30 registrants
Clinic ID = 2022002323 - NEW L1 Comox Valley MHA
Level 2 – 10 registrants
Clinic ID = 2022002324 - NEW L2 Comox Valley MHA *17 years & under [no CRC required]
Level 2 – 10 registrants
Clinic ID = 2022002325 - NEW L2 (CRC) Comox Valley MHA *18+ years [CRC required]
The minimum age to become an Official is turning 12 by December 31 of the current season.
New Officials
- (if over 18) new Criminal Record Check
- completion of return to play online covid course
- completion of Hockey Canada University New Officials course (HU - ONLINE Officiating 1/2)
- completion of in person certification course and exam (date TBA)
New officials are not eligible to take the online certification course and must complete an in
person clinic (date TBA) BC Hockey will be sending out the course curriculum for the clinic in
late October and I will be booking an in person clinic location and date as soon as the RIC gets the
curriculum provided to him.
All new officials MUST complete the Online Pre-Task accessed only through the BC Hockey
Click on “Start Course” and select the appropriate pre-task. The course does not need to
be done all at once, but must be completed before the start of the clinic.
REMINDER: Completion of the Online Pre-Task does not mean you are registered for the clinic
you still need to complete the online registration to attend the clinic once the date is confirmed
and listed on the BC Hockey website.
Officials not registered as a player or a coach must check
the “Insurance” box when registering