COVID – 19 Travelers entering Canada Please note that the Government of Canada has recently updated restrictions and measures to address the COVID Omicron variant.   The Province of British Columbia, and viaSport are currently reviewing this information and while we anticipate further communication to be provided,  it is strongly encouraged that members: Review the updated…

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PRESIDENTS MESSAGE : COVID vaccine passport – ALL spectators and volunteers MUST PROVIDE their vaccine passport prior to entering the arena. If a non-vaccinated spectator or volunteer is found to be in the arena they will first receive a warning . If found a second time the non vaccinated spectator or volunteer’s player will face…

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Effective October 28th at noon:   To attend/enter CVRD ice arenas: All 12+ must be double vaccinated to attend ALL Public skates, Shinny hockey, drop in hockey, adult programming, learn to play hockey, hockey league, etc. All spectators 12+  must be double vaccinated to attend our rinks at any time (including coming to watch their children’s…

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Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association BULLETIN Issue # 2021-013-I October 8, 2021 TO: MHA Presidents & Administrators FROM: Jim Humphrey, VIAHA President COPY: VIAHA Officers and Staff SUBJECT: Mandatory Vaccination Requirement Following the lead of other MHA’s within our District, a motion was approved by the VIAHA Executive Committee at a special meeting on October…

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Here is the latest update from ViaSport: Return to Sport Restart 2.0 Please see the attached release from BC Hockey. ViaSport has released a chart that seeks to clarify the requirements for vaccination passports for participants and spectators. Please note that each facility may have stricter regulations in place.

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It is with regret that the Comox Valley Minor Hockey’s James Harvie has decided to step back as Coach Coordinator. We as an Association wish to thank him for his time and assistance in getting us to this point. With that said we will now need to fill this paid position as quickly as possible…

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Smile Cookie week is coming! Proud to live in a place that supports our community. Don’t forget to grab a Smile Cookie at Tims September 13-19, 2021 100% of funds received goes back to local charities

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Starting August 25, masks are required in all public indoor settings for all people born in 2009 or earlier (12+). This includes: Malls, shopping centres Grocery and liquor stores Airports Coffee shops On public transportation, in a taxi or ride-sharing vehicle Libraries Clothing and retail stores Areas of office buildings where services to the public…

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